Australian research delegation heads to Brussels for peak European Commission ICT event

Monday, 27 September, 2010

Australian research delegation heads to Brussels for peak European Commission ICT event

A delegation of leading Australian ICT research institutions is on its way to Brussels to participate in the European Commission’s biennial ICT research event. Led by NICTA, the delegation also includes CSIRO and five universities. ICT 2010: Digitally Driven, which runs from 27-29 September, is expected to attract 5000 researchers, innovators and influencers from around the world.

Exhibiting for the first time at this event, NICTA is coordinating an ‘Australian ICT Expertise’ stand to showcase Australian ICT excellence. The various technology demonstrations aim to stimulate future collaboration under the ICT theme of the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7) and into the Eighth Framework Program. NICTA, CSIRO, Macquarie University, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland, University of Sydney, and the University of Technology Sydney are all participating in the delegation.

ICT 2010: Digitally Driven has an exhibition, networking sessions and conference. The Australian Government Department of Innovation Industry, Science and Research is supporting the participation of 16 researchers through an Australia-Europe International Science Linkages grant. The support will build European research networks and enable senior and early-career researchers from Australia’s ICT research sector to attend. In particular, Australia’s world-class expertise in embedded systems, future internet and wireless will be highlighted. These areas were identified at high-level meetings between the Australian Government and the European Commission earlier in the year.

“I am thrilled that the Australian Government is supporting this exciting initiative,” said Dr David Skellern, NICTA CEO. “It means that the Australian research sector can work together, to demonstrate a comprehensive array of game-changing technology to a strategically important European audience. This will help raise awareness of Australian excellence and our role in the global innovation system.”

According to CSIRO’s ICT Centre Director, Dr Ian Oppermann, being present at Europe’s premier forum for information and communication technologies offers the Australian ICT research sector access to establishing valuable new partnerships and business opportunities. “CSIRO is delighted to be part of the Australian delegation. Australia has world-class ICT expertise and we will be looking for strategic partnership opportunities with both research and industry,” he said.

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