National e-waste scheme a step closer

Monday, 20 June, 2011

National e-waste scheme a step closer

Australia may soon have a national e-waste recycling scheme, with the passing of a Product Stewardship Bill in the Senate last week.

The National TV and Computer Product Stewardship Scheme is intended to provide the community with a recycling scheme that diverts thousands of tonnes of e-waste from landfills and illegal dumps.

The scheme is being developed by groups representing the TV and ICT industries, with support from the federal government, key states and other stakeholders.

“[The] passing of the Product Stewardship Bill in the Senate represents a significant step for Australian industry and environment policy,” said Ian Birks, CEO of the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA).

Product Stewardship Australia (PSA), the group representing TV manufacturers, applauded the passing of the Bill.

John Gertsakis, the Executive Director of PSA, said the switch to digital TV necessitates swift movement on creating an e-waste scheme.

“The sooner industry can get on with the job of collecting obsolete analog TVs, the sooner we can avoid landfills and ensure that end-of-life products are recycled,” Gertsakis said.

According to PSA and the AIIA, the scheme will need to require industry-wide participation in funding and implementing the service. The groups maintain that a co-regulatory approach will ensure that no manufacturer or supplier of new TV and computer equipment can avoid their collection and recycling obligations.

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