Global digital transformation practices showcased at symposium

Friday, 03 February, 2017

Global digital transformation practices showcased at symposium

The upcoming International Symposium on Digital Earth and Locate17 offer an opportunity to understand various digital transformation practices from around the world.

Attendees will gain knowledge on transforming businesses practices from industries as diverse as agriculture, transport, construction and medicine.

The event comes as governments around Australia open up access to geospatial data to promote innovation.

“Both government and the private sector will be able to identify opportunities based on what is happening around the world,” said Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, chair and convenor of the Locate17 and Digital Earth Symposium Organising Committee.

“Geospatial data underpins many disruptive and innovative organisations. Without it, companies like Uber would not be in business.”

Australia’s now freely available Geocoded National Address File is used online to validate people’s addresses. The biggest Australian subscriber group for the Global Navigation Satellite System is not transport or surveyors, but the agricultural industry.

The program features more than 130 international and Australian speakers. The two main conference days will be split into eight separate streams with topics including smart cities, virtual globes, intelligent transport, agriculture, engineering/utilities, smart sensors for natural resource management, water and climate, disaster and emergency management, and the geospatial economy.

Some of the symposium’s highlights include:

  • Susan Moran from NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive Science Team will present a special session on remote sensing and applications of global soil moisture monitoring.
  • Trisha Moriarty, Geological Survey of NSW, will deliver a keynote on the application of open data policy in the Earth Sciences across government, scientific and industry.
  • Singapore Land Authority and AAM will present ‘Singapore Smart Nation: Measuring from the ground up’.
  • David Wortley, Gamification and Enabling Technologies Strategic Solutions, will deliver ‘The role of Digital Earth technologies in digital medicine’.

 The joint conference will be held 3–6 April 2017 at the new International Conference Centre Sydney.

Image credit: © Balazh

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