Most Australians want to continue remote work, survey finds

By Amy Sarcevic
Thursday, 18 June, 2020

Most Australians want to continue remote work, survey finds

Most Australians forced to work from home during COVID-19 (86%) are happy to keep doing so, and half claim their productivity won’t drop if they have the right digital tools, according to a survey by Redback Connect.

In fact, 33% of respondents say that with the right technology their organisation could increase its productivity while working remotely.

Virtual meeting and webinar tools were among the most popular technologies at 55%. As were tools which enable workers to share and edit documents, projects or work schedules with team members in real time.

Nearly half (46%) of respondents want to see the ‘availability’ of other remote team members, while 45% say they want to share work-in-progress schedules and status reports. Forty-two per cent say they need to present work to stakeholders in the same way as in an in-person meeting.

Redback Connect Founder and CEO Jeff Downs said the survey findings help point the way to a more sustainable and long-term remote work model — something which up to 64% of IT leaders have struggled with during COVID-19.

“While simple video and teleconference communications have been used widely by many organisations during the shutdown, if working from home becomes permanent, organisations will need to onboard a suite of remote-working digital tools to replicate, as far as possible, the ‘in-office’ experience,” he said.

“Our research reveals that more purpose-specific virtual technologies that offer a broader range of secure, interactive platform features — such as online polling and live Q&As — would help maximise the productivity of at-home offices.

“Redback Connect offers fully managed webinars, for example, which enable organisations to engage large, dispersed audiences in real time with interactive polls, live chats or Q&As.

“Town halls and studio broadcasts are also ideal for those who need to present to company executives and stakeholders in the same way they would an in-person meeting — another digital capability our data reveals employees feel they need.”

Image credit: © Popov

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