Govt consulting on data sharing reforms

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Tuesday, 03 September, 2019

Govt consulting on data sharing reforms

Minister for Government Services Stuart Robert has announced the release of a consultation paper outlining the government’s proposed public data sharing reforms.

The proposed reforms will streamline the regulatory environment to enable the more effective use of government data while maintaining privacy and secrecy.

“Currently, there is a labyrinth of over 500 separate privacy and secrecy provisions enacted over a century hindering our ability to share data to deliver the service Australians deserve,” Robert said.

“These reforms will ensure we keep pace with international standards and best practice when it comes to government service delivery. However, the use of data must be done safely, for the right purpose and by the right people, with privacy and security at the very core.”

Through the proposed regulatory changes, the government aims to establish a clear, consistent and transparent approach to public data sharing.

Robert said the government is encouraging stakeholders including peak bodies, privacy experts, businesses, research institutions and members of the public to make submissions to the consultation to help shape the proposed new policies.

“I encourage everyone to have their say to help refine the new legislative framework so we can make the most of this important national asset to benefit all Australians.”

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