IT Management

National Map consolidates government geospatial data

09 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The communications ministry and NICTA have launched the National Map Open Data initiative, a single map that contains a variety of government geospatial data.

Cisco and Flinders University ink deal

08 July, 2014

Flinders University and Cisco have signed an agreement that lays the foundations for Flinders to lead Australia in some of the most innovative parts of the internet.

Half of enterprise devices are ageing or obsolete

07 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Product refresh cycles have slowed to a crawl worldwide due to the lingering effects of the financial crisis, with more than half of the devices on enterprise networks past end-of-sale, a report shows.

NZ emerging as key nearshoring location for Australia

07 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Cultural and commercial similarities and the promise of discounts of up to 30% make New Zealand an ideal nearshore outsourcing option for Australian businesses, Ovum argues.

Google to host analytics conference in Aust

02 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Google will host the 2014 Google Analytics User Conference in Sydney and Melbourne in September to discuss the rollout of its new Universal Analytics upgrade.

Aust students head to China for Huawei training course

30 June, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

A group of 13 Australian undergraduates have joined students from 29 other countries in China to take part in the Huawei Telecom Seeds for the Future training program.

A third of AU businesses taking orders online

26 June, 2014

Around 30% of Australian businesses took orders online during the FY12-13 financial year, and over a quarter had a social media presence, ABS figures show.

1 in 3 ANZ CIOs outsource mainframe app development

25 June, 2014

When legal changes require modification to an organisation's mainframe applications, a third of ANZ CEOs choose to outsource the app development and testing work, a survey suggests.

After BYOD and BYOA, here comes DYOA

23 June, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The growing develop your own application (DYOA) trend is driving demand in the platform-as-a-service market, according to a survey of IT leaders in eight countries including Australia.

Report on hiring trends for IT professionals

23 June, 2014 | Supplied by: Robert Walters

Approval for new projects will drive an increase in hiring of IT professionals across Australia, according to the latest report from recruitment consultancy Robert Walters.

The true cost of mobile enterprise apps can be high

23 June, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

With business use of mobile apps certain to increase, CIOs need to start planning to address the high total cost of developing and maintaining them, UXC Connect's Denise Carson argues.

Are you a CIO or venture capitalist?

17 June, 2014

A new trends report from Deloitte says CIOs should consider managing their ICT portfolios in the same way that venture capitalists do.

Why "Thou shalt not use Dropbox" doesn't work

16 June, 2014 by Anders Lofgren, Director of Mobility Solutions, Acronis | Supplied by: Acronis

File sharing has led to a serious loss of control for some companies when it comes to keeping data locked down. But steps can be taken to mitigate the risks, and even enhance productivity.

Apple's pitch for the Internet of Things

11 June, 2014 by James Mack, KORE Wireless

Apple's announcement of HomeKit and HealthKit that will make the Internet of Things (IoT) much more prevalent in consumer culture.

Disruptive technologies impacting IT roles

11 June, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

By 2018, more than 90% of IT roles will be affected by adoption of the four major disruptive IT technologies - cloud, big data, mobile and social - IDC forecasts.

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