Nearly 200 Cisco routers infected with SYNful Knock
22 September, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingScans by Cisco and Shadowserver have so far detected nearly 199 Cisco routers in 31 countries infected with malware that gives attackers backdoor access to the devices.
Australia now a top 10 source of DDoS attack traffic
20 August, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingAustralia had the dubious honour of joining the top 10 list of sources of global DDoS attack traffic during the second quarter, marking the first time it has been included.
Cisco patches virtual appliances after SSH error
29 June, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingCisco has released patches for three virtual appliances released with identical default encryption keys and has predicted that Australian IP traffic will hit 1.4 Exabytes per month in 2019.
On the attack: setting up your own cyberlab
24 June, 2015 by Ian Trump, Security Lead, LogicNowThe ability to test back-up and disaster-recovery plans, new or updated applications and new hardware becomes very easy with a small investment in a virtual lab.
DDoS attacks nearly double in Q4
02 February, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe frequency and scale of DDoS attacks grew sharply in Q4 as DDoS-for-hire and multivector attacks increased in popularity, an Akamai report shows.
IT sector slams China's new cybersecurity rules
02 February, 2015 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingIndustry groups and the US Chamber of Commerce have opposed new Chinese rules requiring IT companies selling to China's public sectors to provide their source code and install backdoors into hardware and software.
Connected cars have 1980s-level security
18 September, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingSmart connected vehicles have the potential to improve road safety, but primitive network security systems could make them more of a danger, QUT professor Andry Rakotonirainy warns.
Australian corporates support data retention
16 September, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingAustralian business leaders support the government's proposed telecom data retention scheme but are calling for strong safeguards to limit the impact on legitimate consumers and businesses, a survey indicates.
ISP body calls for caution on piracy law proposal
05 August, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingTelco industry body Communications Alliance has urged the government to take a cautious, balanced approach to any moves to amend copyright law to crack down on online piracy.
Academia and industry partner to boost network security
14 July, 2014A US Department of Homeland Security-funded research institute is working with the Secure Decisions company to use visualisation tools to produce better security data analysis.
Government said to shelve data retention issue
14 July, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingMandatory retention of telecom records will reportedly not be among the national security reforms the Attorney-General's office plans to propose this week.
Govt agencies miss ICT security deadline
01 July, 2014 by Andrew CollinsAt least seven federal government department agencies are expected to fail to meet a federally mandated July 2014 deadline for improving their ICT security, according to a report from the nation's Auditor-General, Ian McPhee.
Big Blue now number 3 in global security software
16 June, 2014IBM has moved into third place in the global security software market, while security software spending in Australia in 2013 reached $408.1 million, an increase of 8% over 2012, says Gartner research.
AFP arrest two alleged Anonymous members
27 May, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingAustralian Federal Police have arrested a 40-year-old from WA and an 18-year-old from NSW on suspicion of hacking web servers hosting a number of Australian and Indonesian government websites.
Imperva goes on security buying spree
10 February, 2014 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingImperva has announced plans to acquire two cloud security vendors and a mainframe database auditing software company.