Security > Application security

My Health Record opt-out extension welcomed

16 November, 2018

The opt-out period for My Health Record has been extended, a move which has been welcomed by privacy advocates.

Australian blockchain leaders showcase at Consensus

17 May, 2018

In collaboration with Data61, the Australian Digital Commerce Association and the NSW Government, Austrade led the delegation to Consensus 2018.

Google closing privacy flaw in Android

10 May, 2018 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Google is in the process of addressing a long-standing privacy flaw that allows apps to covertly monitor for the presence of other apps and their connection activity.

Popular apps violate children's privacy

26 April, 2018

An international group of researchers analysed 5855 apps for children, finding that 57% may be violating the US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

86% of software vulnerabilities patched on day 1

04 April, 2018 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

While the number of documented software vulnerabilities grew last year to nearly 20,000, 86% of these had patches available within 24 hours of public disclosure.

Pronto and Forticode partner up on smartphone authentication

27 February, 2018

Pronto Software has partnered with and invested in Forticode to provide highly secure smartphone-based authentication for Australian businesses.

Biometric passwords popular among frustrated digital users

17 November, 2017

The vast majority of people use the same password across multiple accounts, a new survey has found.

Hackers used Kaspersky AV to steal NSA secrets: report

09 October, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Russian hackers stole information on NSA cyber weapons from a contractor running Kaspersky antivirus software, a new report alleges.

Kaspersky Lab rejects claims of Russian influence

15 September, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Kaspersky Lab has refuted the reasoning behind the recent order from the US Department of Homeland Security for agencies to stop using the company's antivirus products.

Aussie SMEs complacent to cyber risk

07 September, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Australian SMEs are overconfident in their protection against cyber attacks and underprepared to respond to a breach, according to MYOB research.

Aussie workers not following security policies

30 August, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Australian employees at all levels are ignoring IT policies such as restrictions on using personal devices and software for work, according to Nitro.

ANZ Bank uses voice biometrics for mobile security

03 April, 2017

Voice biometrics will be introduced by the ANZ Bank to help improve security on mobile devices.

Digital disruption challenges ACCC

17 March, 2017

Challenges faced by the ACCC include fast-moving technologies and anticompetitive responses to those technologies, according to the chairman.

Zero-day software vulnerabilities revealed

15 March, 2017

A new study by RAND Corporation has uncovered zero-day software vulnerabilities and gives insight into what organisations should do when they discover them.

Digital currency protected by new industry code

01 December, 2016

The first Australian Digital Currency Industry Code of Conduct has been launched by the Australian Digital Currency and Commerce Association (ADCCA).

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