Wireless + mobility

Global 5G revenues to hit $489.2bn by 2025

20 October, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

Juniper Research expects rapid 5G adoption to drive a strong increase in 5G revenues worldwide over the next five years.

Optus claims Australian 5G speed record

16 October, 2020

Optus has achieved average download speeds of over 2.5 Gbps using the first of 151 planned high-speed 5G base stations to be deployed in Sydney and Melbourne.

Could graphene protect electronics from electromagnetic radiation?

13 October, 2020

Researchers from QUT and Defence are collaborating to develop a printable graphene layer that protects communication systems from electromagnetic radiation.

Mobile technology easing COVID-19 burden on T&L industry

13 October, 2020

A survey has found that Australian transportation and logistics companies say that mobile technology has helped them upscale to meet demand during COVID-19.

Economic uncertainty boosts sales of cheaper smartphones

22 September, 2020

A report from IDC has revealed that consumers are buying more low- to mid-range smartphones, due to economic uncertainties prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 causes decline in Aussie smartphone sales

08 September, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic, coupled with handset supply delays, has caused smartphone sales to fall 5% in the first half of 2020, according to Telsyte.

ATEN KH1516A 16-port multi-interface Cat 5 KVM switches

01 September, 2020 | Supplied by: ATEN ANZ Pty Ltd

ATEN KH1516A KVM switches are control units that allow IT administrators to access and control multiple computers from a single PS/2 or USB KVM console.

COVIDSafe identifies hundreds of contacts

27 August, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The COVIDSafe contact tracing app was able to identify 560 close contacts missed by manual processes in DTA alone, including two who later tested positive.

NZ's UFB program passes one million connections

07 August, 2020

Ultra-fast broadband is now available to 83% of New Zealand's population and overall uptake is sitting at 58.9%.

ATEN CS1768 8-port USB DVI KVM switch

01 August, 2020 | Supplied by: ATEN ANZ Pty Ltd

The ATEN CS1768 8-port USB DVI KVM Switch consolidates access and control of up to eight computers from a single USB keyboard, USB mouse and monitor (DVI-I or VGA) console.

IoT device install base to hit 55.9bn by 2025: IDC

29 July, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

With an explosion of IoT devices generating vast volumes of data, capitalising on the promise of IoT will require effective management of this data, says IDC.

Canberra appoints broadband council to aid COVID recovery

22 July, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

The expert group is to provide counsel on a range of topics, including ways in which the nbn and 5G can boost Australia's economic output.

Australian project to deliver world-leading gyroscope tech

15 July, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

The $8.7m collaboration will produce the world's most precise, cost-effective and compact gyroscope for the transport, infrastructure and space sectors.

Australians need faster broadband for video streaming

14 July, 2020 by Amy Sarcevic

95% of households will need speeds of up to 56 Mbps over the next eight years, driven by the uptake of higher resolution formats such as 4K and 8K.

DTA updates COVIDSafe with more languages

07 July, 2020 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The Digital Transformation Agency has updated the COVIDSafe app to add support for the five most common non-English languages in Australia.

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