White Papers/Resources
The Technology Decisions Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

A comprehensive guide to the relative costs and benefits of flash storage
Supplied by Nimble Storage on 30 May, 2015
This analysis is designed to help organisations determine the relative costs and benefits of leveraging flash storage arrays to support enterprise applications compared with backup and restore software and appliances, and storage management software.

The software-centric evolution of the IT function
Supplied by Fluke Networks on 29 May, 2015
Mounting pressure on IT departments to align with the business, be more agile and continually cut costs is fundamentally changing the way IT needs to function.

The right UPS can dramatically cut data centre costs
Supplied by Eaton Industries on 27 May, 2015
When selecting an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), data centre managers have historically been forced to choose between the energy efficiency provided by standby and line-interactive systems and the superior protection afforded by double-conversion systems.

Hybrid architectures solve key cloud inhibitors
Supplied by NetApp on 26 May, 2015
The world is increasingly public cloud-centric, but numerous challenges including security, data protection and performance concerns have inhibited even faster adoption of cloud in the enterprise.

Don't let cloud benefits be short-circuited
Supplied by Eaton Industries on 26 May, 2015
Cloud technologies offer such significant benefits to efficiency, agility and scalability that most businesses are expected to be using at least some cloud applications within a matter of years.

A new model for support services providers
Supplied by LogMeIn Australia on 25 May, 2015
Support services providers are adding new service offerings to their portfolios at a blistering pace. But too often the target market for these services is restricted to companies that can afford them.

Wringing maximum value out of WANs
Supplied by Enablis on 20 May, 2015
The rapid rollout of fibre across Australia has significantly reduced internet access costs – by up to 80% in three years – but many businesses are still paying too much for wide area network (WAN) services.

Australian businesses still plagued by inefficiencies
Supplied by Canon on 19 May, 2015
Organisations across Australia’s major industry sectors continue to be plagued by inefficient work processes due to an over-reliance on manual or paper-based processes.

Inefficient meetings cost mid-size companies $5.3m a year
Supplied by LogMeIn Australia on 19 May, 2015
Employees are having more meetings than ever, with the average employee having five per week and executives in some industries having up to 10.

Build a flexible and simple remote support solution while keeping support costs down
Supplied by LogMeIn Australia on 19 May, 2015
According to a recent IDC report, there is a 35% growth in the remote support market - mainly due to the increasing number of organisations utilising mobile devices for their work activities.

Remote support is no longer just for IT
Supplied by LogMeIn Australia on 19 May, 2015
Remote support is one of the most popular technologies in use by members of the Technology Services Industry Association. In the field service segment, 69% of companies have adopted the technology and 29% have invested in remote support this year.

Next-generation BPM thinking
Supplied by OpenText on 30 April, 2015
Business process management (BPM) initiatives today lack a focus on delivering successful business outcomes - instead, they get too caught up with point-based solutions.

Stop savvy crims from subverting SSL encryption
Supplied by Blue Coat Systems on 24 April, 2015
SSL encryption is a key security component of the modern internet, but cybercriminals have started turning the technology on its head, using encryption to cloak attacks or exfiltrate data after a successful breach.

Break down silos with app-aware performance management
Supplied by Fluke Networks on 24 April, 2015
Unscheduled IT downtime can cost large organisations in excess of $1 million per hour, and traditional IT performance monitoring tools are poorly suited to addressing the problem.

People, processes and technology - the main areas of impact in a practical data strategy
Supplied by Information Builders on 13 April, 2015
Gartner predicts that within the next couple of years 33% of Fortune 100 organisations will experience an information crisis due to their inability to effectively collect, maintain and use valuable enterprise data.