IT Management > Enterprise software

Helpdesk software boosts user support at the MAC

02 December, 2013

The MAC Services Group has replaced its helpdesk software, helping boost the quality and speed of the company's user support.

Software licensing: the 'trust but verify' approach

22 August, 2013 by Tom Canning*

Successful business relationships depend on trust between buyers and sellers. However, the software industry has historically struggled with trust as it relates to the exchange of fair value. Many companies find themselves with unintentional overuse despite their desires and best intentions to avoid it.

Queensland Government bans IBM from future contracts

08 August, 2013

The Queensland Government has banned IBM from any future state contracts, following the release of a report into the state’s failed health payroll system, which lays significant blame at the vendor’s feet.

Telstra invests in IP Health

05 August, 2013

Telstra has made moves to bolster its new health business unit by investing an undisclosed sum in Australian medical record software vendor IP Health.

IT pricing inquiry “more than a PR move”: analyst

01 August, 2013 by Dylan Bushell-Embling

The parliamentary committee reviewing IT pricing has confirmed that Australians unjustly pay on average 50% more for IT products, and recommended 10 actions to address the disparity.

Simplifying network administration in an Alcatel-Lucent VMware virtual environment

01 July, 2013

VMware's server virtualisation allows IT organisations to use network computing and storage resources more efficiently. But a virtual infrastructure requires a different set of management tools than those used to manage a physical infrastructure.

Will Windows 8 win by stealth?

06 June, 2013 by Anthony Caruana

Microsoft’s latest operating system has been subject to much derision, confusion and rejection. The new tiled interface has received the greatest criticism, but perhaps Microsoft’s game is to take a longer view.

The Windows XP countdown is on

26 April, 2013 by Anthony Caruana

Next April, Microsoft is ending support for Windows XP. Since its release in 2001, Windows XP has gone on to become Microsoft’s most successful operating system release. But that popularity means that many customers now have to map a migration path to their next desktop system.

IBM inquiry heats up; Windows 8 hamstrings PC sales

16 April, 2013 by Andrew Collins

This week: the inquiry into the Queensland Health payroll fiasco hears fresh admissions of IBM exploiting leaked documents from rivals, while analysts peg Windows 8 as the reason for dramatic drops in PC shipments.

Microsoft faces bribery investigation; “Greedy” vendors face Aussie pricing inquiry

26 March, 2013 by Andrew Collins

US feds are investigating claims Microsoft and some of its business partners bribed government officials around the globe in return for software contracts. Meanwhile, executives at Microsoft, Apple and Adobe faced tough questions from Australian MPs at an inquiry into why Australians are charged more than those in the US for identical products.

AppSense DesktopNow management suite

20 February, 2013

AppSense DesktopNow helps organisations implement solutions for a range of IT priorities including Windows 7 migration, desktop optimisation, BYOD, mobile data access and user rights management.

Centrify Suite 2013 security and compliance solution

12 February, 2013

The Centrify Suite 2013 security and compliance solution features privileged user management and auditing for Windows systems as well as sudo migration tools for Linux systems.

Should you buy Office 2013?

05 February, 2013 by Andrew Collins

Microsoft Office is considered a staple of office life by many, and if numbers are anything to go by, people like it, or at least can tolerate it; the product had one billion users halfway through 2012. But with the release of another version, users and IT departments alike are left wondering: should I bother upgrading?

Are Windows 8 tablets the answer?

10 January, 2013 by Joseph Sweeney, Advisor, IBRS*

If you think Windows 8 tablets are the answer to the mobile device management problem, maybe you need to change your thinking.

Quest Software MessageStats 7.0 and MessageStats Business Insights

11 December, 2012

MessageStats Business Insights helps IT managers detect, analyse and investigate inappropriate use of corporate email as outlined by organisations’ corporate email use policies, including excessive personal usage and social networking, as well as communication with competitors.

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